Grove & Pines Businesses Focus on Thinking Positive
in the Pandemic
New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo, Pride NYC, June 2018, (above) Kelly, Sofina, Joann, Nina, Toni & Jacqué, Cherry’s Survivors Party, October 2018, (below) Sip N Twirl interior, newly rebuilt, July 2012 - All photos by Bruce-Michael Gelbert
On April 6, Cherry’s Jacqué Piazza posted a pertinent letter written by Fire Island Pines entrepreneur Pj McAteer, owner and operator of Sip N Twirl and other businesses, on the Cherry Grove Untucked Facebook page, about the Pines during this time of the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as her own reaction to it.
Pj’s message begins:
“We are continuing to comply with the directives given by [New York State] Gov[ernor Andrew] Cuomo and we will maintain those guidelines until lifted. Cuomo stated [on April 4] that the apex of the virus in New York is five to seven days away. Let’s keep focus. It looks like we are making progress.
“During this downtime, we have been planning ways of extending the season to ensure that our homeowners, renters, and guests have the best summer imaginablex
“I ask that our family, friends, and allies please refrain from speculation. We want to focus on the positivity while abiding by the reality. We would never put guests of our staff or customers in harm’s way. I cannot reiterate enough that my staff, entertainers, and I are ready to jump the minute we get the all clear.
“Our mission is to keep everyone safe and provide the service and best level of entertainment we can—when we can. There have been sightings in The Pines of groups of people ignoring the social distancing orders. We know that people are using The Pines as an escape, but transmissibility doesn’t change on Fire Island. Dinner parties and weekends visits on the island aren’t helping. Please—we need to flatten the curve.
“’The virus doesn’t move, people move it. We stop moving, the virus stops moving, the virus dies. It’s that simple.’”
Jacqué commented: “We need to be more positive, friendly, and kind in the Grove. People are very negative and rude lately, bickering and saying horrible things to each other and about each other.
“You would think people would be kinder to each other, considering the circumstances. I really hope through all this that people learn to be kind and considerate x appreciate LIFE, appreciate that you’re LIVING! - “Take a second to look at the trees and flowers that are growing through all this!”
In an April 6 email to the community, Cherry Grove Community Association, Inc. President Diane Romano followed up with: “[T]o those of you who always seem to want to criticize, who always seem to want to stir the pot, who always seem to put a negative spin on things, who start rumors that hurt people, I say, JUST STOP IIT…
“Our businesses and associations are trying to look at ways to lengthen our season, to adjust timing since we will certainly have a late start, and to try to keep as many of our ‘traditions’ as possible. All are working hard to be ready as soon as it is safe. All of our business owners on focused on this while trying to keep everyone safe.”
Photographer Koitz has been chronicling the gay people and events of Cherry Grove and Fire Island Pines for more than a decade and a half in work that has appeared in newspapers and been displayed in art shows. Koitz’s clear and sensitive photos find a dramatic setting in a new art book entitled “Gay Fire Island: It’s Good to Be Us,” with foreword by Patrick ...