In May, Cherry Grove chooses its first royalty for the season, Mr. Fire Island Leather in mid-to-late May, during the last weekend of pre-season, and Homecoming Queen, during the first weekend of the season proper, Memorial Day Weekend. At the 24th annual Cherry Grove Pride Parade, now the day before Pride in the city, our new Queen, Jizzabella, and new Mr. Fire Island Leather, Errik T., got together for some photos at the dock, and Mike De Santo was there to capture the moment for Fire Island Q News. Hopefully, there will be many more opportunities to photograph them together as the season progresses.
photo captions:
1. Messrs Fire Island Leather 2019-2021 Bruce Michael Weitzmon & 2022 Errik T.
2. Mike De Santo
3. Errik T. & Bruce Michael
4. watching the Parade from the Ice Palace
5. watching the Paaade
6. Fidel's house with prize-winning Pride decorations
7. Homecoming Queen Jizzabella
8. Homecoming Queen Jizzabella at the dock
8, 10 & 11 Cherry Grove Royalty 2022 Queen Jizzabella & Mr. FI Leather Errik T. at the dock
12 & 14. at the dock
13. The Dune Fund at the dock
15. Mike & green icecream at Sweet Licks